Focus Groups in Spain

OpenEurope, during the research phase, organised several focus groups with both unaccompanied minors and professionals working with them. These groups were informally organised but followed a detailed structure in terms of topics and issues to cover and be discussed. Professionals (youth workers, educators, physcologists…) working with unaccompanied minors explored the primary concerns and effective strategies […]
Partners start working on the Research Methodology

After the kick off meeting in Brusselss, partners started working on the methodology they would follow for their national research. This document will guide research activities of the Safe Spaces project and is being developed by the BK CON with the contribution of all partners. It considers the main assumptions underlying proposal development, Consortium capacities […]
Thrilled to Share Highlights from the SafeSpaces Project Kickoff Meeting!

#SafeSpaces #EUproject #EUYouthStrategy #RefugeeRights #RefugeeVoices #InclusiveCommunity The partners of the Safe Spaces project met last March. The Safe Spaces project was attended at the Kick off meeting by the coordinators of EVBB and the organisations BK CON, Yyouth, Velos Youth, Fundación Scalabrini de México AC, Open Europe, and the NGO Follow me from around the […]