Project Partners


The European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB) is an umbrella organization dedicated to enhancing and harmonizing Vocational Education and Training (VET) across Europe. EVBB aims to bridge the gap between VET and higher education, promoting VET as a primary choice and improving the quality of vocational schools and training. With over 80 members from both public and private sectors worldwide, EVBB focuses on initial, advanced, and further education and training.

The organization promotes liberal education on social, economic, and sociopolitical issues, emphasizing European and developing world policies. It provides vocational, technical, and industrial training, as well as continuing and advanced education. Additionally, EVBB offers education on personal and family issues, geriatric care, work with the disabled, nursing services, media use, and environmental qualifications.

A key aspect of EVBB’s mission is advocating for vocational training at the EU level and representing the interests of its members to public authorities and EU institutions. It fosters cooperation and network building among its members, establishing quality criteria for vocational education. EVBB organizes national and international conferences to discuss the future of vocational education and training, sharing successful projects and best practices.

EVBB also conducts workshops, courses, and seminars through its European projects and those of its members. In partnership with the Adalbert Kitsche Foundation, it awards the “DIE EUROPA” Prize for innovative projects supporting disadvantaged youths. Non-political, non-denominational, and non-profit, EVBB is dedicated to fostering a pluralistic and fulfilling education to strengthen democracy and society. The organization operates with six permanent staff and five external experts at its EU headquarters to maintain an ongoing dialogue with EU institutions.

Velos Youth

Velos Youth is a non profit-organisation founded in 2017, to support children and young people on the move to re-start and re-build their lives. Our work centres around a safe space in central Athens for young people aged 16-30 years old, which offers a range of services as well as support to access services delivered by partner organisations. We work with young people to help them reimagine their futures, and take the next steps towards achieving their goals and aspirations. We are a response to the evolving needs of newly arrived young people in urban Athens and a place where they can come together as persons – not profiles – to understand and practice both difference and unity.


Yyouth is a non profit organisation founded in 2022 in Oslo, Norway focused on the empowerment of young people. Yyouth’s main goal is to facilitate the professional and personal development of youngsters, promoting civic engagement, diversity and inclusion, international educational exchanges and providing tools aimed to enhance entrepreneurship and innovation.  Our target group is formed of youth at risk, young entrepreneurs, young professionals, and youth workers

Our scope of Work includes:
  • Addressing the needs of youth at risk:
    • Promote cross-sectoral cooperation to solve youth-related issues. Focus on civic engagement, youth participation, crime prevention, and preventing radicalization and violent extremism..
  • Mobility programs for young people:
    • Support education at various levels (school, adult, vocational), youth, and sport. Encourage and facilitate youth participation in Europe’s democratic life.
  • Facilitate entrepreneurship:
    • Promote sustainable, green, and digital business models.
    • Develop and provide entrepreneurship training programs for local and transnational projects.
  • Transfer of knowledge:
    • Share knowledge from projects with local and international partners.
    • Support partners by sharing best practices and learning from effective Norwegian initiatives.Focus on diversity inclusion, rule of law, civic engagement, sustainability, entrepreneurship, equality, security, and health.

Fundación Scalabrini

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Donec ut erat egestas, fermentum libero a, malesuada nunc. Suspendisse a ex pulvinar mauris accumsan tincidunt. Integer tempus ac felis eu auctor. Etiam convallis justo eu libero gravida feugiat. Aenean condimentum hendrerit orci, quis pharetra turpis tincidunt vitae. Sed auctor ipsum sed porta tristique. Nam tincidunt vulputate imperdiet. Sed varius purus eget sem tincidunt, sed congue neque dictum. Donec blandit convallis urna, vitae sagittis lectus euismod eget. Aenean suscipit diam arcu, sit amet ornare lectus venenatis sit amet.

Association "Follow me"

Association “Follow me” – the city of Varna – the maritime capital of Bulgaria, is a non-profit organization whose main goals are to create, strengthen and optimize the contacts and interaction of the NGO sector with various sectors, institutions, organizations and administrative structures in the country and abroad, which do not contradict the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria. The Follow me association consists of a highly qualified team of psychologists with many years of experience with Erasmus projects. The association works mainly with young people. The activities it carries out are supporting the process of gender equality and anti-discrimination, development of the school community, education and non-formal education, ecology, social activities and psychology, youth activities, health care, etc. It organizes and conducts conferences and seminars, studies and analyses, development projects, programs, strategies and plans, consultations and expertise, research and innovation. The association participates in a number of youth initiatives, organizes trainings, seminars, round tables and studies on topics related to health, youth and social entrepreneurship in the area.

Associació de Programes Educatius ‘OpenEurope’

The Association of Educational Programmes ‘OpenEurope’ is a non-profit organisation based in Reus (Catalonia, Spain) that aims to help young people and adults working in youth-related fields to participate in European educational programmes.

Our programmes are aimed at developing communication, leadership and employability skills. Our association’s projects and initiatives are aimed at getting educators, teachers, students and the community at large involved in projects aimed at lifelong learning.


BKC is a niche service provider, with vast -over 20 years- experience in Project Management and service delivery. Within this context, BK Consult GbR is providing services that include: (1) Education, including the design and delivery of Training Curricula and smart ICT and other tools like e-learning through MOOC platforms, gamification, experiential education; (2) Employment, either as facilitators through the support of start-ups and entrepreneurship, or through the effective upskilling and reskilling of employees and unemployed, according to the actual market needs, (3) Social Inclusion, targeting vulnerable groups, including single parent families, long-term unemployed, minority groups, TCNs (migrants, refugees, asylum seekers) and tackling of discrimination of any kind (gender based, sexual identity).

BKC is currently leading in total 8 Projects under ERASMUS+ and is additionally participating in more than 40 ongoing Projects with a total Project value of more than 5M Euros, covering the role of the Quality Assurance and Evaluation Partner. Additionally, BKC is offering Quality Assurance Services as a subcontractor for various projects in the field of VET, Rights Equality and Citizenship and Higher Education, ensuring that the projects are going to meet the foreseen results and objectives.

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